Special Hospital with Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Nëna Naile Spa– Kllokot

About 50 km south-east of the capital of Kosova, Prishtina, with a wonderful view
towards the high mountains of Sharr and at an altitude of 400 meters, lies one of the
phenomena, namely the pearls of Kosovar nature named Kllokot.
Kllokot, this fascinating nature is the place where the Special Hospital for Physical
Therapy and Rehabilitation Nëna Naile Spa is located, rich in inexhaustible thermal
mineral water and equipped with modern medical and recreational technical
equipment, which has been operating since May 2007.
Climatic conditions in Kllokot are typical Mediterranean with short and mild winters,
while summer is the longest season, usually with clear sunny days and warm
temperature accompanied by light refreshing breezes.
Climatic conditions, together with the healing properties of the thermal mineral
waters and the extremely high comfort that the modern Nëna Naile Spa Center in
Kllokot offers to you throughout the year, makes it a very attractive and suitable place
for healing, resting and recreation in any season of the year.
The name “Kllo-kot” is thought to be derived from the sounds of the flowing waters of
Kllokot, which waters are well known for their healing properties and qualities.
The healing effects of SHPTR Nëna Naile Spa in Kllokot refer to its natural water
springs, namely thermal mineral waters, whose natural temperature is 32°-38° Celsius,
and certainly its unique peloid.
Kllokot has been an admired place since ancient times. Its history is covered in myths
and legends.
According to one of those legends, the Roman Legionnaires discovered the healing
qualities of the thermal mineral waters in Kllokot quite by accident. They, passing
through Kllokot, came across a white horse badly crushed by the war which had been
left in a swamp of water and mud.
After a while, on their way back, the same soldiers see the horse healed and in very
good condition.
The legionnaires discovered that Kllokot was admired by the Illyrian tribes, and that a
number of them had settled here to live permanently.
Locals and the population of nearby settlements have used this place for medicinal
purposes in different ways since ancient Illyrian times. They have quenched their
thirst, smeared their bodies with mud and used it for healing baths.
The Peloid mud in Kllokot has been scientifically studied and proven to meet all the
necessary criteria for medical use.
It is a mixture of mineral water with inorganic chemical substances that with its
thermal and chemical action on the skin, as well as the absorption of chemical
components through the skin throughout the body, has a generative and healing effect
on the individual.
The Peloid is usually applied locally by washing or wrapping body parts as well as by
all-round application in the form of a full body dip.
Depending on the disease and the indications of the individual, the peloid is first
heated, and then the affected parts of the body are wrapped with it and remain
wrapped like that for 15 to 20 minutes, and finally the peloid is removed with thermal
mineral water.
Nëna Naile Spa is certified at international levels for quality (ISO Standard) issued by America and HACCAP issued by Germany.

Prof. Dr. Enver Haxhiu, Lecturer – Physiatrist – Rheumatologist
Dr. Ismajl Blakaj, Mr.Sci. – Physiatrist
Dr. Fahri Bajrami, Physiatry Specialist
Dr. Naim Mustafa, Physiatry Specialist
Dr. Dëshira Gashi, Physiatry Specialist
Dr. Naim Sahiti, Family Medicine Specialist
Dr. Nexhat Misini, Family Medicine Specialist
Dr. Gresa Latifi, Family Medicine Specialist
Dr. Xhemajl Arapi, Family Medicine Specialist
A significant number of other Physiotherapists, technicians, nurses, and others.